Here you will find the key advice for proper preparation of your files. If you follow these technical specifications, you will help us produce quality work and help any problems during printing.


We recommend you send us high-resolution PDF files.
(See section on DOCUMENT FORMAT for requisite technical specifications).

If you send us source files, (In Design, Illustrator, Quark X Press or Photoshop) you need to send a complete folder containing:

  • the source file,
  • a folder containing all images used,
  • a folder containing all fonts used,
  • a reference PDF to verify elements.

To generate a folder containing all elements, use the software’s packaging functions:

  • In Design/Illustrator: “Package” function in the “File” menu.
  • Quark X Press: “Collect for Output” in the “File” menu.


Files provided must be comply with the following technical specifications:

  • PDFs must be exported from the original software from which the file was created.
    (You can download Adobe PDF Preset by clicking here and install them in your Adobe Suite or Quark X Press software. Then, all you need to do is choose the correct parameters to generate your high-resolution PDF.)
  • File format at 100%.
  • Presence of cut lines and fold marks from a distance of:
    • Offset and digital: cut lines at a minimum distance of 0.125″ from the final cut.
      if fold lines, these need to be at a distance of 0.125″ from the final cut and cut lines at a distance of 0.375″ from final cut.
    • Large format: 0.25″ from final cut.
  • Bleed if necessary*:
    Offset and digital: 0.125″
    Large format: 0.25″
  • Please send your files one page-at-a-time (no double-sided format pages, only one item per page).
  • Outline or embedded fonts for PDFs.
  • Leave a minimum of 0.125″ “safety” margin on the interior between the text and/or graphic elements and the final cut to prevent elements from getting stuck in the binding or disappearing into the cut.
  • Keep only the colors needed for printing in your file.
  • Die-cut present on back and front, varnish, embossing or stamping in the file (see section on DIE-CUT SHAPE & SPECIAL DIE-CUT and SPOT VARNISH/EMBOSSING/STAMPING)

* If your document has a color background, you must make sure it exceeds the document’s final format (bleed) so as to cut into the color and prevent a white contour.


Your image resolution must be:
Offset and digital: 300 ppi (pixels/inch)
Large format: 200 ppi (pixels/inch)

This is the optimal resolution to guarantee proper printing. A lower resolution can give pixilated images and will result in inferior printing quality. A higher resolution won’t result in better quality printing.


Files must be in CMYK or PANTONE mode (PANTONE colors must keep name of origin: i.e. PANTONE OOO C). Do not change the name (i.e. PMS OOO C).

The RGB color mode is reserved for screen display rather than printing. If you send an RGB file, it will automatically be converted in CMYK and you will note a big difference in color between desired screen color and printed document.


  • For graphic elements or gray or black-colored text, only use 100% black or a black screen for grays. Avoid using grays made up of the 4 colors CMYK.
  • For digital, favor PANTONE rather than a black screen for better gray results.
  • For a richer black, use the following recipe: 50% Cyan – 40% Magenta – 40% Yellow – 100% Black. CAUTION: Only use a rich black for mass production. No plain text or small black line should be used for a 4-color CMYK black recipe.
  • Do not apply overprint black.


Please send your file one page-at-a-time (no double-sided format) as follows:

1 Multipage PDF file as per the order in which pages appear: Cover 1 / Cover 2 / Page 1 / Page 2 (…) / Cover 3 / Cover 4.

With bleed if necessary and cut lines.


In the case of a die-cut shape or special die-cut, the cut must be in the file and on both front and back. It must be in spot color identified “die or die-line” and in overprint.


The varnish, embossing or stamping must be in a spot color tint at 100% overlaid on the image and in overprint. The
color must be clearly identified “varnish, Spot UV, embossing, or hot stamping”.


A well-done PDF should contain the following PDF page areas:

  • CropBox defines the boundaries for the contents of a page when its displayed or printed.
  • ArtBox defines the extent of the page’s meaningful content, including the white space (red box).
  • TrimBox defines the intended dimensions of the finished page after trimming (green box).
  • BleedBox defines the area where the contents of the page shall be clipped (blue box).

When two or more areas overlap, only one color line is displayed.

In Acrobat, you can view these areas by checking the “Show Art, Trim & Bleed” boxes in the “Output Preview” dialog box.



  • 1 fiie per page
  • Bleed
  • Special die cut:
    – spot
    – overprint
    – on all pages
  • Cut lines present
  • Name of colors unchanged
  • 2 files on the same page
  • No bleed
  • Special die cut:
    – CMYK
    – only on one of the two pages
  • Names of colors changed
514 731-8389